Key Note Speaker Session
Brief outline:
School and homelife
No support with weekends living by herself from 14 years old
Financially supporting her family
How her career took off
Being responsible for our own futures and attitude
Best friend passing away recently
- How Natalie dealt with “hurdles” even in the last few months
- Unemployment and what I see now
Let's Keep the Job!
Learning Objective 1 – Let’s work!
Understand both sides of work experience
Identify what Employers want from you
Understand what is a work ethic
Identify how important Confidence, competence and credibility are
Learning Objective 2 – Communication is everything!
Telephone and email etiquette
What we say, how we say it and what we don't say
Conflict resolution
Customer service and complaints
Learning Objective 3 – It’s the small things
Understand that small things make a difference!
Differentiate between your home and work attitude
Learn what motivation is and what motivates you!
What do you value in life and your workplace?
Learning Objective 4 – What motivates you?
Work behaviour questionnaire
“What if” scenarios
Let’s set your goals
The importance of Teachers
This short workshop is to share Natalie’s story and what she sees in her training room presenting to the unemployed.
It was a teacher that told Natalie what success really is.
Junior & Senior Leadership
This workshop offers students offers students an introduction into:
First Impressions
Communication (including body language)
Public Speaking
Workshop 1 - Title
Excellence in Interviews
Learning Objective 1 – Looking at You and Your Future
Understand the importance of a good attitude
Create a list of careers that interest you
Identify your strengths and weaknesses
Learning Objective 2 – What an Employer is Looking For
Provide detail on what employers are looking for in employees
Understand the importance of these qualities
Understand how this affects your team mates
Learning Objective 3 – The Importance of a First Impression
Understand the importance of Appearance
Display positive body language
Understand communication, what we say and how we say it
Learning Objective 4 – The 10 ‘Must Know’ Questions in Interviews
Understand the importance of why we interview
Have knowledge of types of interview styles
Know the 10 ‘Must know questions”
Present your most effective answers
Learning Objective 5 – Complete Mock Interviews
Communicate more confident answers in an interview
Display good communication techniques
Understand the importance of Preparation
Summarise what makes a good interview
Small Groups
Tailor made programs